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2013-01-03 15:45:16来源:网友分享编辑:Kaylun_1991

等级1技能-Back step (后退步)

技能等级1 -sp57

att:100% slow rate:15% duration:4sec

技能等级10 -sp92

att:154% slow rate:33% duration:7sec

instantly mover away from enemies and shoots with a long on the back.

瞬间移动距离敌人并且射击敌人的背面。全部射击4下对方会转向背面。slow rate在这技能的意思是放慢敌人速度。

等级1技能-Laser beam(激光束)

技能等级1 -sp56

att:100% constont dmg:+30% shock rate:10% duration:6sec

技能等级10 -sp114

att:136% constont dmg:30% shock rate:28% duration:9sec

shoot lasers with long rifle on the back.

退后射击激光枪。就是对一个方向以一条直线射击激光。constont dmg -''常数伤害''但是我理解为普通伤害为好。

等级5技能-knockback shot (击退一枪)

技能等级1 -sp64


技能等级10 -sp136


shoots a case to push enemies away.


等级5技能-Flash (闪光)

技能等级1 -sp86

att:450% confusion rate:30% duration:4sec

技能等级10 -sp17

1att:720% confusion rate:48% duration:7sec

shoots a flare in the air to attack and temporarily immobilize enemies.


等级5技能-Precision (精确)Buff技能

技能等级1 -sp67

cri rate increase+5% duration:30sec

技能等级10 -sp150

cri rate increase+23% duration:39sec

cri rate increase for a certain amiunt for a limited time.


等级15技能15-Maximum output (最大输出) Buff技能

技能等级1 -sp114

range increase+20 duration:30sec

技能等级10 -sp190

range increase+74 durition:39sec

attacking range increases for a certain amount for a limited time.在有限的时间内增加一定的攻击范围。

等级15技能-Explosion shot (爆炸射击)

技能等级1 -sp105

att:250% constant dmg+20% bleeding rate:25% duration:6sec

技能等级10 -sp216

att:385% constant dmg+20% bleeding rate:43% duration:9sec

shoot a case filled with energy and causes a big explosion.


bleeding rate-出血发生率.

等级15技能-Seize mode (抢占模式)

技能等级1 -sp114


技能等级10 -sp226


takes a solitary position and attacks the designated target.


等级25技能-Flamethrower (火焰喷射器)

技能等级1 -sp152

att:150% constant dmg+30% bleeding rate:10% duration:6sec

技能等级10 -sp281

att:177% constant dmg+30% bleeding rate:10% duration:6sec

moves while shooting with a flamethrower.(can't change moving direction)


等级25技能-Elecsnare (电击枪)

技能等级1 -sp 143

att:120% constant dmg+30% shock rate:10% duration:3sec

技能等级10 -sp271

att:165% constant dmg+30% shock rate:10% duration:4sec

slows enemies with an electri whip and constantly damages them.


等级25技能-Bilitz mode (闪电战模式)

技能等级1 -sp143

hide att increase:+50% duration:3sec

技能等级10 -sp27

1hide att increase:+50% duration:6sec

hides temporarily when attacking you won't be hidden but will be able inflict damages.


等级35技能-Energy bomb (能源炸弹)

技能等级1 -sp247

sp consumption:+1% normal att increase:+60% duration:20sec

技能等级10 -sp324

sp consumption:+1% normal att increase:+60% duration:38sec

temporarly consumes sp but plain skill's att increases for a certain amount。


等级35技能-Supporting shot (支援枪)

技能等级1 -sp 171

att:100% mechanical turret 1x2 duration:12sec

技能等级10 -sp325

att:145% mechanical turret 3x2 duration:21sec

summons 2 cannons from the ground and fires从地上召唤2个大炮和开火。 真心不错,前期升来打王,吸引小怪和王。

等级45大招-Satellite shot (卫星射击)

技能等级1 -sp209

att:150% constant dmg+30% bleeding rate:10% duration:6sec

技能等级10 -sp320

att:195% constant dmg+30% bleeding rate:10% duration:15sec

shoots lasers from the satellite for a limited time.

在有限的时间从卫星射击激光器. 真心垃圾,在前面放招然后不受控制的乱乱跑!伤害低!!!!

好吧,发完了...1小时时间写完的睡觉前来个首发,主动技就不弄了因为每个职业的主动技都是差不多的. 然后枪手攻略迟些日子在发,写到一半加很乱整理了在弄上来。


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